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Meet Alison Corin


I was born in central England, a sister to my big brother. My mother, an artist and my dad, an engineer, raised my brother and I with a strong love of travel and a great appreciation for our yearly vacations camping all through Europe. My mother taught us to recognize the aesthetics of all beautiful things. The snow covered Alps to the crystal blue Mediterranean Sea. My father taught us to appreciate the beauty in a well designed structure, such as the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben. We visited virtually every national park, wildlife and bird sanctuary from Great Britain to Croatia. When dad was transferred to Texas Instruments in Dallas Tx, we packed up and prepared for a two year stint in the big city. While in Texas, we managed to travel the entire West coast and visited all the the major National Parks in the South, West and Midwest. After four years passed with no sign of dad’s assignment ending, we all applied for Green Cards and threw ourselves into American living.

After 6 years in Texas, dad got reassigned to a semiconductor company in Maine. Talk about culture shock!

I enrolled in Gorham High School more than half way through my Sophomore year; a school with fewer students combined in all four grades, than my high school marching band in Texas. It was challenging to say the least.

I met my husband while attending college full time, and working full time in the main office of a Supermarket chain. He was a supplier, and I became his favorite customer! Eventually, I moved to Massachusetts to be with Jeff, where we married and had one son, Josh. (a Bryant University graduate and gainfully employed). 

At various times, we have filled our house with rescue and foster dogs. Ex racing Greyhounds, Bull Terriers, guinea pigs, a rabbit, and a pot bellied pig. We’re down to one rescue bull terrier, and recently adopted my dad’s dog when he moved to an assisted living facility.

I have always loved to take photographs, and with the introduction of digital photography, making mistakes more affordable, my hobby became an obsession. I started to get serious about photography in 2007 when I bought my first DSLR camera, to capture the journey to the World Series for my beloved Red Sox. After taking several classes, both online and in school, I began to spend all my spare time with my camera. Spending summers on Block Island and winters on the Atlantic coast of Florida has afforded me the opportunity to take pictures of a huge variety of wildlife and beautiful scenery. After becoming an empty nester, I decided that photography was something I wanted to share with the rest of my world. Lately, I’ve been branching out to commission work, and macro photography. My camera is my constant companion. I hope you enjoy my photos as much as I’ve enjoyed taking them

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